Vazhaipoo Rasam | Banana Blossom Rasam | Rasam without Dal | Simple Rasam Recipe

Rasam is an authentic south Indian Recipe. Rasam, the most delicious appetizer drink is light on stomach and high on taste. This flavourful dish is ideally served before after the main course.

Rasam doesn’t appear in my daily kitchen menu. But recently I am addicted to different kind of rasams. One such is the Vazhaipoo / Banana Blossom Rasam.

Vazhaipoo is something which we rarely buy at home. It is just the prep work needed for the flower which stops me from buying it frequently.

Similar to Tomato Rasam, preparing Vazhaipoo Rasam at home is very easy and it requires basic ingredients like tomato, tamarind, black peppercorns, garlic and cumin seeds.

On a side note, vazhaipoo is extremely healthy with immense benefits. And at the end, I always feel that the time and effort I had put in was not in vain.

So, try this simple recipe at home with your own choice of flavors and relish with your loved ones.

Author: Nathiya Adiseshan
Preparation Time: 3 mins
Cooking Time: 10 mins
Serves: 3


For the Rasam:
  • 2 medium Tomatoes, Pureed
  • 1/2 Tomato, chopped into quarters
  • 20-25 florets, Vazhaipoo, finely chopped
  • Tamarind, gooseberry sized
  • 1/4 tsp, Turmeric powder
  • a pinch, Asafoetida
  • a sprig, Curry leaves
  • a bunch, Coriander leaves
  • Salt
  • 2 pods, Garlic crushed
For Rasam Powder (Dry roast and grind):
  • 1/8 tsp, Fenugreek seeds (optional)
  • 1 tsp, Cumin seeds
  • 1 tsp, Pepper
  • 1 tsp, Coriander seeds
  • 1 tbsp, Toor dal
  • 1, Red chilli
  • Curry leaves
To temper:
  • 1/2 tbsp, Oil
  • 1/4 tsp, Mustard seeds
  • 1/4 tsp, Cumin seeds
  • a sprig, Curry leaves
  1. Puree tomatoes along with gooseberry sized tamarind.
  2. In a kalchatti, add the tomato puree, chopped tomatoes, turmeric powder, crushed garlic, curry leaves, chopped vazhaipoo/ banana blossom, asafoetida and salt.
  3. Pour 3 cups of water & bring it to a boil. Then simmer for 5 mins or until raw smell of tamarind goes away.
  4. Add in a tbsp of rasam powder. Allow it to boil.
  5. Taste the rasam and add more salt as needed to suit your taste. Simmer it for 2-3 mins.
  1. Meanwhile heat oil in a tadka pan and temper with the ingredients listed above. Fry this mix until it starts crackling and pour it over the rasam. Garnish with coriander leaves.
  1. Turn off the stove. Keep the pot covered for 15 minutes before serving.
  2. Serve rasam with rice or just serve it as an appetizer in your meal.

Special Note:

  • As soon as it becomes frothy, turn off the stove. Cover it for 15 minutes before serving, the resting time at the end also plays a major role in flavor.
  • Adjust the quantity of rasam powder to satisfy your taste buds.
  • Store bought rasam powder can also he used. But check on the turmeric powder and asafoetida content while adding.

Published by

Nathiya Adiseshan

A thirty something wife, once upon a scientist, as well as the self-taught cook, behind this little space on the web.
Hungry Stomach blog is all about celebrating good food that delights the senses and nourishes the body.
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